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School Supply


What is Homeschooling?

In West Virginia, homeschoolers provide their children with “instruction in reading, language, mathematics, science and social studies” as well as an annual assessment. Parents or guardians are responsible for providing the instruction, not the public schools.


Getting Started is simple:


Know the law! WV Code §18-8-1

  1. Turn in a Notification of Intent (a waiting period is no longer required)

    1. Common NOI questions answered here

  2. Obtain Annual Assessments


Annual Assessments


The WV homeschooling law, part 18-8-1 (c)(2) requires that each home-educated child of compulsory age be assessed every year in reading, language arts, math, science, and social studies. Parents must maintain copies of each student’s academic assessment for three years. The assessment results for students in 3rd, 5th, 8th, and 11th grades must be submitted to the county by June 30.


The annual assessment can be


WV Homeschooling

ROAD Grant


Portfolio Review


ROAD Grant


WVHEA Attendance Verification

Academic Test 

Reporting Form

Homeschool Notice
of Intent Form

Mary Ellen Sullivan

Award Form

Portfolio Reviewer


Notice of Termination


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